Hello G.J.Quartermaine: I noticed that you haven't posted here for almost a year. Maybe your book was all consuming, and you say another one is forthcoming, 'Rivers of Aid: Stories From The Poor Countries'.
Somewhere here you say "Geo-politics, history, philosophy, and economics, about Asia". I publish history, ancient Asian history and ethnology, which I don't write, but I translate. Important books that are unavailable in English. But nothing about colonialism or current events.
It would be interesting to discuss some of these topics combining history with philosophy. After all, if history is just as a chronicle of one event after another it's not very revealing, of the how, why, and what's what? I would ask if you will make a new post, that could be a "take-off-point" for further consideration.
As I understand it, your Gateway book is about colonial history, and this new one must be about misuse of foreign aid. These both are distortions emanating from the west. (I read your one free chapter of the Gateway.) I have never found any bright spots in colonialism, so I kind of avoid that topic. Stolen money, well maybe that's a profession as old as prostitution?
Good day Sir Geoff, This is Mark Clayton from your LI network....I was apparently permanently banned from LI for stating that US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admitted the existence of Bio Labs in Ukraine. I am exploring alternatives to LI and new to Substack.
Hello G.J.Quartermaine: I noticed that you haven't posted here for almost a year. Maybe your book was all consuming, and you say another one is forthcoming, 'Rivers of Aid: Stories From The Poor Countries'.
Somewhere here you say "Geo-politics, history, philosophy, and economics, about Asia". I publish history, ancient Asian history and ethnology, which I don't write, but I translate. Important books that are unavailable in English. But nothing about colonialism or current events.
It would be interesting to discuss some of these topics combining history with philosophy. After all, if history is just as a chronicle of one event after another it's not very revealing, of the how, why, and what's what? I would ask if you will make a new post, that could be a "take-off-point" for further consideration.
As I understand it, your Gateway book is about colonial history, and this new one must be about misuse of foreign aid. These both are distortions emanating from the west. (I read your one free chapter of the Gateway.) I have never found any bright spots in colonialism, so I kind of avoid that topic. Stolen money, well maybe that's a profession as old as prostitution?
What is your learning from your two books?
Thanks and hope to see you more active.
Good day Sir Geoff, This is Mark Clayton from your LI network....I was apparently permanently banned from LI for stating that US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admitted the existence of Bio Labs in Ukraine. I am exploring alternatives to LI and new to Substack.
Blessings Mark