First posted on LinkedIn 28th October 2022.
I have spent 40 years, one way or another, working in low income countries ("third world", "the South", "emerging") on economic growth. Much financed by taxpayers in OECD (aka rich, former colonialist) countries. Official overseas development aid (ODA) runs in at about 180 billion annually. Aimed at relieving poverty, increasing incomes.
Assuming that is successful (another issue), what do you think less-poor, better-off people do with their larger resources?
"Wait a minute ... ?”
Yes, they SPEND on all kinds of stuff. That stuff requires energy to produce. Where does that come from?"
Multiple sources, but largely from fossil fuels.
"So you mean economic growth, reduced poverty, improved lives, INCREASES the demand for coal, oil and gas?" Yup.
"Can't green alternatives replace oil and gas?" In some places, yes. But how has that worked for Germany. And why is COP26 largely ignored?
"So decades of ODA have CONTRIBUTED to global warming from increased emissions?" Allegedly, yup. More, healthier, richer consumers worldwide. All buying stuff you thought it was OK for your family to have. Good job
"Your entire career has helped caused the catastrophe, the existential crisis, now faced by humanity?" Yup, seems so. Oops, sorry
But hold on:
YOU paid for my services from taxes. Or charity donations. Irony of ironies, HUMANITARIAN relief has raised living standards, INCREASED energy use. The very people, clowns, who glued themselves to paintings have paid for global warming
Much of ODA goes thru the UN, now crying about imminent planetary demise, and funded by the aforesaid rich countries. Did you want the poor to stay poor? I guess if we had NOT tried to help improve crops yields, develop new markets, logistics, trade, better food safety, health and sanitation systems etc. then there would be far less emissions. Fewer peasants with motorcycles amd pickups burning diesel.
How about we reverse course? The UN could "pivot" and tell us to reduce energy use by an huge amount: set new ANTI-growth targets. A new Millenium Challenge, decrease consumption, increase poverty. Your family would still have all the stuff it want
SATIRE ... However, my forthcoming book, 'Rivers of Aid: Stories From The Poor Countries' will have a lot more to say. Some of it serious. It's about time these people lecturing us get a kick in the teeth. It's coming.
Hello G.J.Quartermaine: I noticed that you haven't posted here for almost a year. Maybe your book was all consuming, and you say another one is forthcoming, 'Rivers of Aid: Stories From The Poor Countries'.
Somewhere here you say "Geo-politics, history, philosophy, and economics, about Asia". I publish history, ancient Asian history and ethnology, which I don't write, but I translate. Important books that are unavailable in English. But nothing about colonialism or current events.
It would be interesting to discuss some of these topics combining history with philosophy. After all, if history is just as a chronicle of one event after another it's not very revealing, of the how, why, and what's what? I would ask if you will make a new post, that could be a "take-off-point" for further consideration.
As I understand it, your Gateway book is about colonial history, and this new one must be about misuse of foreign aid. These both are distortions emanating from the west. (I read your one free chapter of the Gateway.) I have never found any bright spots in colonialism, so I kind of avoid that topic. Stolen money, well maybe that's a profession as old as prostitution?
What is your learning from your two books?
Thanks and hope to see you more active.
Good day Sir Geoff, This is Mark Clayton from your LI network....I was apparently permanently banned from LI for stating that US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admitted the existence of Bio Labs in Ukraine. I am exploring alternatives to LI and new to Substack.
Blessings Mark